Cloud comparison idea

While training your ML models. Have you ever wondered how much the same training session would have cost on a different cloud provider?

If you read this blog, you have likely used a cloud provider before. Maybe to train your models or deploy your projects.

Cloud providers always tell you they are best place to train your models. But is that actually true?

Companies like oracle, tout they are cheaper than AWS. Google cloud boast about their features. Same with Azure.

But are the features the same thing. Or fundamentally different?


I have an idea that may find that answer.

Iā€™m thinking of creating a product that compare the costs and features between the major cloud service providers.

Imagine seeing a simple table. Which gives you the simple prices across cloud providers


Or a simple table to compare features across providers

Figure 2

Figure 2

If you like this idea. And you want to pay for a product like this.

Give me an email. Where we can talk about pre-sales.

Tobi Olabode